Awakening Compassion
覺 · 慈
In Memory of Master Nan

Awakening Compassion
覺 · 慈
In Memory of Master Nan
We are a community dedicated towards spiritual growth through the practice of Yoga and Meditation.
Founded in 2008, Yoga Mala’s vision is to share Master Nan’s wisdom and teachings to cultivators whom have the interest in seeking self-realisation through the practice of yoga and meditation.
Our yoga practice is primarily base on the Ashtanga Yoga, we also offer a variety of classes suited to all levels.
2008 年起步的小學堂,以 Yoga Mala 瑜伽为基。於 2015 年更名為“懷師”小學堂,從心出發,自身瑜伽至心瑜伽,以時時踐行、步步精進,懷念恩師 南懷瑾先生。
Learn more about the Nan Huai Jin Culture Foundation 南懷瑾文教基金會.
Explore Master Nan’s published works 南懷瑾文化事業.
Our Shala is a space for cultivators to practice safely, happily, and mindfully.
我們的小學堂: 提供一個舒適安全, 溫暖寧靜的瑜伽空間學習。