Do you offer free trial classes?
Unfortunately, we do not offer any first-time trial classes. We do, however, offer discounted pricing for packages. See our pricing here.
What happens in the event of a black rainstorm or Typhoon 8 signal?
All classes will be cancelled when black rainstorm or Typhoon 8 is hoisted. We will reopen 2 hours after black rainstorm or T8 signal is removed.
What mode of payment do you accept?
We accept cash or cheque. We do not accept credit card payments.
What are the COVID-19 regulations?
We will follow the updated social distancing regulations and infection control measures accordingly. Please ensure your full quarantine and self-monitoring phase has been fully complete before coming to practice. If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cough or flu-like symptoms, please stay home.
What should I bring to class?
We offer everything you need at no additional charge at Yoga Mala. If you would like to use your own equipment, feel free to bring your own yoga mat, towels, and/or water.
What facilities do you have?
Aside from our yoga studio and meditation space, we have male and female changing rooms, showers, and lockers. We also have a pantry and lounge area.